New York City Wrongful Death Lawyer
When a member of your family is killed due to another person’s negligence or intentional misconduct, no legal action can relieve the pain of your loss. Still, you may need to file a wrongful death lawsuit in order to be compensated for financial losses suffered as a result of your loved one’s death. You may also find comfort in helping to effect changes that could prevent other deaths in the future.
Our team at JOEY JACKSON LAW, PLLC., understands that the sudden death of a loved one is a profound and terrible event. If another party’s negligence or misdeeds contributed to the death, attorney Joey Jackson is prepared to act quickly and tenaciously to obtain a financial recovery for you. We have a total of 25 years of experience in the courts of New York. Thus, we have the depth of legal knowledge and litigation experience necessary to build a compelling case against all negligent parties.
Our experience in criminal defense and investigations, particularly in manslaughter cases and DWI-related deaths, gives us a unique advantage over other attorneys. For example, we are highly adept at interpreting police reports and other documentation related to a wrongful death. We also know how to conduct the in-depth investigations necessary to prove your case and to counter any arguments raised by the negligent party.
New York Requirements To Sue For Wrongful Death
Under New York Estates, Powers and Trusts Law (NYEPTL Sec. 5-4), only the legal representative of the decedent’s estate may file a wrongful death lawsuit. In addition, the decedent must be survived by one or more relatives who suffered a financial loss as a result of the death, such as a legal spouse, children, parents or siblings. Any proceeds of a wrongful death lawsuit must be distributed to the legal heirs in proportion to the financial injuries suffered by them.
In order to obtain a full financial recovery for you, we must act quickly. New York law allows up to two years for a wrongful death lawsuit to be filed, but evidence must be gathered and a full investigation completed as soon as possible. In addition, we must document the exact financial losses incurred, such as:
- Funeral expenses
- Medical expenses related to the injury or illness that caused the death
- Loss of the decedent’s income and benefits
- Loss of family care and other services provided to the family by the decedent
Types Of Wrongful Death Suits We Handle
Our team at JOEY JACKSON LAW, PLLC., is prepared to handle the following types of wrongful death actions:
- Pedestrian Accidents: A pedestrian can be struck and killed by a thrown rock, a falling tree, or debris that falls off a building. Some incidents, such as a healthy tree being struck by lightning, are no one’s fault. Incidents involving negligent conduct, reckless acts, or intentional misconduct may be grounds for a lawsuit.
- Product Liability: Most consumer products are rigorously tested before being sold in stores. Nonetheless, some defective products make it into the marketplace. A children’s toy, for example, may not be fit for the manner in which it is used, resulting in a choking or poisoning death. Pharmaceutical or food products may be improperly labeled or unreasonably dangerous for human consumption.
- Workplace Accidents: Deaths can occur on any construction site — or even in an ordinary office building — when mechanical or electrical equipment is not properly maintained or when safety regulations are ignored.
- Wrongful Police Conduct: When the police chase a suspect or seek to control a prisoner, what starts out as an everyday occurrence can sometimes go tragically wrong. If a law enforcement officer causes death due to negligence or intentional misconduct, they can be held accountable.
New York City Lawyer For Wrongful Death Lawsuits
If you have lost a loved one due to another person’s negligence or intentional wrongdoing, you may be able to recover financial compensation for your loss. If you think you have cause to file a wrongful death lawsuit, quick action is necessary in order to have a full investigation completed and a lawsuit filed before the two-year statute of limitations runs out. Contact JOEY JACKSON LAW, PLLC., at 833-563-9522.