Read Attorney Joey Jackson’s Articles
Over the years, attorney Joey Jackson has written articles of interest in his role as CNN Legal Analyst. You can read is CNN profile by following this link: Joey Jackson CNN Profile.
CNN: July 2020
What prosecutors can learn from the Amy Cooper case
By Joey Jackson, CNN Legal Analyst
CNN: May 2020
Justice delayed is justice denied. Was Ahmaud Arbery killed for ‘jogging while black’?
By Joey Jackson, CNN Legal Analyst
CNN: December 2019
Police shootings: When is deadly force justified?
By Joey Jackson, CNN Legal Analyst
CNN: December 2019
George Zimmerman’s lawsuit doesn’t stand a chance
By Joey Jackson, CNN Legal Analyst
CNN: October 2019
She allegedly told her boyfriend to kill himself and he did. Did she commit a crime?
By Joey Jackson, CNN Legal Analyst
CNN: September 2019
Felicity Huffman is a role model for how to own up to your crimes
By Joey Jackson, CNN Legal Analyst
Legal Talk Network: August 2019
CNN: August 2018
Trump’s hideous legal landscape just got even worse
By Joey Jackson, CNN Legal Analyst
CNN: February 2018
In Natalie Wood case, beware Hollywood theories
By Joey Jackson, CNN Legal Analyst
CNN: January 2018
How Trump could protect himself from an obstruction case
By Joey Jackson, CNN Legal Analyst
CNN: June 2017
Millions for families of police shooting victims won’t fix the problem
By Joey Jackson, CNN Legal Analyst
CNN: February 2017
We need to reality-check ourselves on immigration raids
By Joey Jackson, CNN Legal Analyst
dnainfo: November 2016
Ex-Correction Officer Sentenced to 18 Years for Killing Daughter’s Boyfriend